The Coverup Man Blog

6 Signs showing your AC needs to be serviced?

In the summer, your air conditioner becomes crucial for comfort. If it’s not working well, staying cool on a hot day can be tough. To keep it running smoothly and efficiently, it’s best to have it checked and tuned up once a year.

Get your AC service experts to visit your home to ensure your AC is in good shape and doesn’t need repairs. Spring, just before the cooling season, is the ideal time for this maintenance.

Recognising when your AC needs repair is also vital. Ignoring issues can lead to expensive breakdowns when you need it most. Here are some signs to watch for.


Related article: 6 Dangerous Signs You Need to Call an Emergency Electrician Right Away!

No Cold Air from the Vents

No cold air is a common issue with air conditioning systems, and it can be an early warning sign of a problem. This means that when you turn on your air conditioner, the air coming out of the vents is either not as cool as it should be or not cool at all. Here’s a more detailed explanation:

  1. Air Temperature: When your AC is working correctly, it should provide a noticeable drop in room temperature. So, if the air feels warm or just slightly cool, it suggests that the AC is not effectively cooling the air.
  2. Possible Causes:
    • Compressor Malfunction: The compressor is a critical component of your AC system. If it’s not functioning properly, it can lead to inadequate cooling. This could be due to mechanical issues or electrical problems with the compressor.
    • Low Refrigerant: Refrigerant is the substance responsible for cooling the air. If there’s a refrigerant leak or the level is too low, your AC won’t be able to cool the air effectively.
  3. Why It Matters: Insufficient cooling is not only uncomfortable but can also lead to your AC running longer and working harder to maintain the desired temperature, which can increase energy consumption and utility bills. If not addressed promptly, it can eventually result in a complete system breakdown.

In summary, when you don’t get cold air from your AC vents, it’s a sign that something is wrong with your air conditioning system, possibly related to the compressor or refrigerant levels. Try contacting a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and fix the issue to ensure your home remains comfortably cool and energy-efficient.

Airflow Problems

When your air conditioner is functioning correctly, it should distribute cool air evenly throughout your home. However, if some rooms receive less airflow while others get stronger airflow, it indicates an issue.

Possible Causes

  • Blocked Vents or Ducts: Accumulation of dust, debris, or obstructions in the vents or ductwork can impede the flow of air, leading to uneven cooling.
  • Ductwork Issues: Leaks, cracks, or disconnected ducts can result in air escaping before it reaches the intended rooms, causing uneven distribution.
  • Incorrect Damper Settings: In homes with zoned systems, incorrect damper settings can lead to unequal airflow.

Uneven airflow not only leads to discomfort but also inefficient cooling. In some areas, your AC might have to work harder to compensate for the lack of cooling in others. This can result in higher energy bills and a less pleasant living environment.

Thermostat Troubles

Sometimes, the problem isn’t with your AC unit but with the thermostat. If you constantly need to adjust the thermostat to maintain comfort, the thermostat may be malfunctioning. You can also suspect thermostat issues if certain areas of your home are too cold while others aren’t cool enough.

If your HVAC technician discovers an issue with an older thermostat, it’s a good idea to replace it with a newer, programmable one. Modern thermostats allow you to schedule temperature adjustments based on your daily routine. For instance, you can set it to increase the temperature when you’re away at work, as you don’t need a very cool home then, and lower it before you return, ensuring a comfortable temperature upon arrival. A programmable thermostat is a smart choice, as it can save you hundreds of dollars in energy costs each year.

Unusual Noises

Most air conditioners produce some noise when they start and stop. However, if you hear a squealing or grinding sound, it’s a sign that something is amiss within the unit. Ignoring this issue can lead to costly breakdowns during the hottest part of the year.

Unusual Smells

When you fire up your air conditioner for the first time in the season, you might notice a musty or dusty odour. Typically, these odours dissipate after a few minutes of operation. But if a musty smell lingers, there could be mould lurking inside the ductwork or the unit itself. This can harm indoor air quality and needs immediate professional attention. A foul, pungent odour, when you turn on your AC, might indicate burnt wire insulation, which also requires prompt professional repair.

Moisture Around the Outdoor Unit

If you spot moisture near your outdoor AC unit, especially when it hasn’t rained recently, it’s time to call an HVAC technician. A loose or damaged hose can cause water leakage from the unit, or it might be a refrigerant leak. Such moisture can pose risks to children and pets playing in the area, so don’t delay in seeking professional help.

Regularly maintaining and inspecting your air conditioner is vital for its well-being. Equally important is being able to identify signs that your unit needs repairs. Neglecting necessary repairs can lead to complete system breakdowns, which are not only costly but also highly inconvenient.