12 Easy Ways to Boost Your Morning Motivation
Motivation can be a bit unpredictable. Some days, you jump out of bed, ready to conquer the world. On other days, just getting out from under the covers feels like a Herculean task.
But here’s the secret: motivation isn’t totally random. It’s something you can cultivate, especially when you’re passionate about what you’re doing. Don’t sweat it if waking up and facing work feels like a chore. A Gallup study found that 60% of folks don’t feel emotionally connected to their jobs, and 19% are downright miserable. Only 33% reported feeling engaged.
The key is putting in some daily effort to keep your motivation tank full. Here are 12 simple ways to kickstart your motivation every morning and power through your day:
1. Get enough sleep.
Having trouble rising and shining? Lack of sleep might be the culprit.
The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7 to 9 hours of slumber each night. If you’re falling short, consider these tricks to snag more Zs:
- Stick to a consistent wake-up time, even on weekends.
- Let morning sunlight help regulate your sleep-wake cycle.
- Don’t rush through your evenings; finish eating at least four hours before bedtime.
- Ditch screens at least 30 minutes before hitting the hay to avoid sleep-disrupting blue light.
- If needed, try sleep aids like melatonin, but avoid strenuous exercise close to bedtime.
- Keep your bedroom dark and cool for a cave-like sleep environment.
2. Skip the Snooze Button
It’s best to resist the urge to hit the snooze button in the morning. Not only does it mess with your mindset, but it can also zap your motivation.
When you hit snooze and drift back to sleep, your brain restarts its sleep cycle. When the alarm goes off again, you’re likely in an even deeper, more groggy part of your sleep cycle, making you feel worse than the first wake-up call.
Instead of harsh alarms or noisy radio talk, opt for a soothing and uplifting alarm tone. Listening to your favourite song or a funny podcast can make getting out of bed much more enjoyable.
3. Ask Yourself Positive Questions
Try posing five empowering questions with three parts each when you wake up:
- What am I ______ about in my life right now?
- What about it makes me _______?
- How does it make me feel?
Moreover, try filling in the blanks with your own values. For example:
- What am I happy about in my life right now?
- What am I excited about in my life right now?
The key is to genuinely feel the emotions associated with these questions. When you focus on what makes you happy, you’ll actually feel that happiness.
These morning questions can fill you with appreciation and positivity, depending on how you frame them.
4. Keep Your Big Dreams in Sight
To lead a fulfilling life, it’s essential to keep your most significant aspirations front and centre. The trick is to write them down because doing so makes your dreams go from vague thoughts to something real and visible.
This transforms your dreams from mere imagination into something that could actually become a reality.
5. Stick to Consistent Routines
Waking up on the right foot doesn’t just depend on your morning routine but also on what you do before bedtime.
For instance, tidying up and decluttering your home before going to sleep ensures you wake up to a clean and refreshing environment in the morning. Likewise, reading a book before sleep helps your mind unwind from the day’s activities.
Your morning routine could involve making your bed, watching an inspiring TED Talk, journaling, or organizing your workspace. A well-structured morning routine has the power to enhance your mental well-being, reduce stress, and boost your energy.
No matter your routine, try to include something you genuinely enjoy. Tony Robbins explains the importance of “pull motivation” – having something so exciting and desirable that it makes you eager to start your day. Incorporate something you love into your morning routine, like listening to your favourite podcast during a brisk morning walk. It might sound simple, but looking forward to it can genuinely energize your mornings.
6. Plan Your Day Ahead
Before you hit the sack, jot down your goals for the next day. Prioritise your tasks and make a note of any upcoming appointments. It might seem like a lot of preparation, but it’s a surefire way to take charge of your day. This approach keeps you motivated, on course, and less susceptible to distractions. Plus, since you’ve already outlined what needs to be done, you’ll reduce the number of decisions you need to make, preserving your energy throughout the day.
7. Dress for Confidence
Believe it or not, your choice of attire can significantly impact your day. When you feel comfortable and look good, you exude confidence, which can be a powerful motivator. It might sound straightforward, but wearing outfits that excite you can give your motivation a significant boost.
8. Get Moving and Stretch
Regular exercise triggers the release of dopamine, the “feel-good” chemical in our brains. Essentially, it’s like our built-in mood enhancer, promoting a positive outlook. Additionally, maintaining a consistent exercise routine keeps you physically fit and healthy. You’re likely aware of these benefits, so why do we sometimes overlook this opportunity? That’s a topic for another discussion.
9. Stay Accountable and Boost Motivation
Getting someone else involved in your productivity can greatly increase the likelihood of you following through on your goals. It can also add an element of anticipation to your routine.
Licensed psychologist Selena Snow, Ph.D., suggests a great way to enhance your motivation to get out of bed is to plan activities with a friend. For instance, both of you can commit to working out from your respective homes or following an online exercise routine simultaneously. You can also hold yourself accountable by helping a colleague catch up on work if they’re under the weather.
10. Embrace Morning Affirmations
Words hold immense power, and speaking a motivating phrase to yourself each day can be incredibly impactful. Holistic business coach Tiffany Napper recommends a powerful morning mantra that stirs a deep feeling within you, even if you don’t fully embody it yet. Try repeating it 20 times each morning with genuine enthusiasm for a week.
Some of Tiffany’s morning mantra suggestions to brighten your day include:
- I am worthy just as I am.
- I will achieve great things through small steps.
- Everything I need is within me.
- I am fulfilling my purpose in this world.
- I am centred and at peace.
11. Create an Inspiring Environment
Sprucing up your room with something inspiring, like a favourite painting or a framed photo, can provide a daily dose of motivation. Alternatively, you can assemble an inspiration board filled with images, quotes, or anything that brings you joy. Keep it in your room as a reminder, and you’ll wake up to a positive, uplifting atmosphere that fuels your motivation.
12. Inject Variety into Your Routine
While routines have their place, they can quickly become monotonous, causing your motivation to dwindle. To prevent falling into a rut, spice things up by introducing something different into your day. Consider taking a new route to work, trying out a new café, or exploring a fresh item on the menu. Adding variety not only boosts your energy but also keeps your motivation levels high.
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